PYEX-TF-EK Termination Kit for Self-Regulating Cable

  • Integral termination kits under the thermal insulation.
  • End termination of high-temperature heat trace system.
  • Temperature maintenance of the vessel, tank, chemical feeding, or transportation pipelines.
  • Non-hazardous and hazardous location.

The PYEX-TF-EK is a low-profiled integral end termination kits for FBL, FBH, FBX, and FBZ self-regulating trace heating cables by Solco Pyroelec.
Once assembled, it is small, 45mm x 25mm, and water-proof so to be installed under the thermal insulation. The service temperature is -50°C to +260°C. It has anexcellent electrical insulation and mechanical stength as it is made of PTFE rod. The termination process does not require heat application by heat-gun or torch.

Protection type : Ex 60079-30-1 IIC T2...T6 Gb
Electrical rating : 1000 Vac/30 A
Color : White
Temperature class : Refer to the installation manual
Enclosure service temp. : -50°C to +260°C
Product dimension : 45mm x 25mm x 21mm
Construing materials : Housing : PTFE
Potting compound : RTV