

Freeze Protection

In cold weathers, prevent freezing and bursting of pipework with our efficient and reliable electric heat tracing solutions.

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Temperature Maintenance

Ensure uninterrupted flow of oil and chemicals by maintaining optimal temperatures in pipework with our customized heat tracing systems.

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Roof Tracing

Protect your property from winter's grip with our Roof Tracing solution. Our advanced heat trace cables prevent ice buildup, ensuring water drainage and leak prevention. Customizable, energy-efficient, and effective against winter hazards.

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Concrete Curing

Accelerate concrete curing with our Heat Trace cables. Ensure optimal temperature for enhanced strength and durability in construction. Your reliable choice for efficient concrete projects.

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Snow and Ice Melting

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Floor Warming

"Underfloor heating has evolved throughout history, providing users with a comfortable and healthy heating experience. It requires approximately 150-180 watts/m⊃2; output power on concrete floors and can be an economical option."

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Icicle Prevention / Bridge

In winter, accumulated rooftop and high structure snow can refreeze into hazardous icicles. Solco Pyroelec's self-regulating IcSR heating cable prevents icicle formation by maintaining shaded and cooler areas above 10°C.

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Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment

Explosion-proof products should contain internal explosions and prevent sparks inside from igniting the surrounding environment.

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Freeze Protection


Heat trace cables are designed to prevent freezing by generating heat along their length. They are used in industries such as oil and gas to protect pipes and equipment. The cables are easy to install and come in different lengths and power outputs. They have temperature sensing and control features for efficient energy usage. Heat trace cables prevent costly damages from frozen pipes and enhance equipment reliability. Overall, they provide reliable freeze protection and are essential in cold environments.

Temperature Maintenance


Heat trace cables are essential for temperature maintenance in industrial plants. They prevent freezing and regulate temperatures in pipes, valves, tanks, and equipment. These cables ensure continuous operation, prevent damage, and maintain product quality. Advanced temperature control systems are integrated, allowing for precise monitoring and energy efficiency. Heat trace cables are versatile and offer reliable solutions for industrial plant temperature maintenance, enhancing efficiency and reducing downtime.

Roof Tracing


Roof heating systems are an important solution that increases the safety and durability of buildings by melting the snow and ice accumulated on the roofs during winter months. These systems can be implemented using electric heating cables or hydronic (water-based) pipes, and they automatically activate through sensors placed on the roof surface. Especially in areas prone to heavy snowfall, they prevent excessive roof loads and the formation of ice dams, thereby preventing roof damage and potential accidents. Additionally, by ensuring proper drainage from the roof, they prevent blockages and water leaks, enhancing comfort and safety inside the building.

Roof Heating System

The roof heating system increases the safety and longevity of buildings by melting the snow and ice accumulated on the roof surface during the winter season. These systems are applied using electric heating cables or hydronic pipes and operate automatically through sensors installed on the roof. Melting snow and ice prevent roofs from being under excessive loads and thus prevent structural damage. Additionally, by preventing the formation of ice dams, they minimize the potential dangers posed by falling ice chunks from roofs. These features are crucial for the safety of buildings, especially in areas with heavy snowfall.

Roof heating systems also prevent clogged drainage systems and water leaks by ensuring that water flows smoothly from the roof. Clogged drainage systems can cause water to seep into the roof and structure, leading to moisture problems and structural damage. Heating systems prevent water from freezing and expanding, thus damaging the roof materials and extending the life of the roof. These systems are designed with energy efficiency in mind and generally offer a cost-effective solution. Additionally, they can be easily managed and energy consumption optimized through user-friendly control panels. Therefore, roof heating systems stand out as an ideal solution for both residential and commercial buildings.

How Does a Roof Heating System Work?

Roof heating systems utilize technology that melts snow and ice accumulated on the roof, thereby increasing the safety and durability of buildings. These systems typically consist of two main components: electric roof heating cables or hydronic pipes. In electric systems, heating cables installed on the roof surface or in gutters warm up when electric current passes through them, providing the necessary heat to melt snow and ice. In hydronic systems, water heated in a central heater circulates through pipes to the roof surface, facilitating the transfer of heat and melting snow and ice. Both systems automatically activate through thermostats and moisture sensors installed on the roof surface, operating based on weather conditions.

The automation features of roof heating systems enhance energy efficiency and user comfort. Sensors continuously monitor air temperature and humidity levels and activate or deactivate the system automatically when a certain threshold is reached. This ensures energy savings by operating only when necessary. Additionally, through modern control units, users can manually control and program the system. Some advanced systems offer remote access via internet connection, allowing users to manage the system through mobile devices. Thus, roof heating systems ensure the protection of the roof during winter months, enhancing both safety and structural integrity.

What Is the Purpose of a Roof Heating System?

A roof heating system is a solution that increases the safety and durability of buildings by melting snow and ice accumulated on the roof during winter months. This system reduces the risk of structural damage by preventing roofs from being under excessive loads, especially in areas with heavy snowfall. Snow and ice accumulations add extra weight to the roof and can lead to deformations and water leaks over time. Roof heating systems prevent such adverse effects by ensuring regular melting of snow and ice, thereby extending the roof's lifespan. Additionally, by preventing the formation of ice dams, they minimize the potential dangers and accidents caused by falling ice chunks from roofs.

What Are the Benefits of a Roof Heating System?

The many benefits offered by roof heating systems make this technology indispensable for the safety and durability of buildings, especially during winter months. Here are the key benefits of roof heating systems:

Prevention of Structural Damage: Snow and ice accumulations on roofs can cause structural damage such as deformation and cracking. Roof heating systems prevent the accumulation of these layers by ensuring their regular melting, thereby preventing excessive loads on the roof and extending the lifespan of the structure.

Increased Safety: Icicles and falling snow masses from roofs can cause serious accidents and injuries. Roof heating systems prevent the formation of ice dams and dangerous snow accumulations, ensuring the safety of people in the vicinity.

Prevention of Water Leaks: If the melted water from snow and ice does not drain properly from the roof, it can cause water leaks and indoor moisture problems. Heating systems prevent water from freezing and expanding, thus protecting the roof materials and preventing water leaks.

Protection of Drainage Systems: Roof heating systems prevent clogging of gutters and drainage pipes, ensuring the effective operation of these systems. This prevents water from pooling on the roof and seeping into the structure.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings: Modern roof heating systems are designed for energy efficiency. Sensors and automatic control systems ensure that heating is only activated when necessary, resulting in energy savings and lower operating costs.

Ease of Use and Remote Management: Advanced roof heating systems offer user-friendly control panels and internet connectivity for remote access. This allows users to easily manage the system and optimize energy consumption.

Roof heating systems are an important investment for the safety, durability, and comfort of buildings during winter months, providing various benefits both in the short and long term.

Snow and Ice Prevention

Roof snow and ice prevention systems are an important solution that increases the safety and durability of buildings by melting snow and ice accumulated on roofs during winter months. These systems operate using electric heating cables or hydronic (water-based) pipes installed on the roof surface or in gutters. Automatic sensors monitor air temperature and humidity levels, activating the system as needed to prevent snow and ice accumulations from causing excessive weight on the roof and damaging it. Additionally, by preventing the formation of ice dams and ice accumulation, they ensure the safety of both building occupants and nearby individuals. These systems also support proper roof drainage, preventing water leaks and blockages and contributing to the protection of interior spaces.

Extending Roof Lifespan

Methods for extending roof lifespan aim to preserve the structural integrity of roofs and prevent premature deterioration caused by various factors such as weather, debris accumulation, and microbial growth. Regular roof maintenance, including inspections, cleaning, and repairs, is essential for identifying and addressing issues early on. Additionally, applying protective coatings and sealants can enhance the roof's resistance to moisture, UV radiation, and other environmental factors. Installing roof heating systems is another effective measure for extending roof lifespan, as they prevent snow and ice accumulation, reduce structural stress, and prevent water leaks and damage. By implementing these methods, property owners can ensure the longevity of their roofs and avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Features of Roof Heating Systems:

Roof heating systems are equipped with technologies developed to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice. The key features of these systems include:

  1. Electric Heating Cables: Electric heating cables, placed on the surface of the roof or in gutters, generate heat through electric current to melt snow and ice.

  2. Hydronic Systems: Water-based hydronic pipes circulate hot water from a central heater to the roof's surface, facilitating heat transfer and melting snow and ice.

  3. Automatic Sensors: Thermostat and humidity sensors monitor temperature and humidity levels, automatically activating or deactivating the system. This ensures energy efficiency by operating only when necessary.

  4. User-Friendly Control Panels: Manual or programmable control units allow users to manage the system easily. Advanced models may offer remote access capabilities.

  5. Energy Efficiency: Modern roof heating systems are designed to maximize energy savings. They activate only when needed, reducing operating costs.

  6. Modular Design: Roof heating systems are modularly designed to accommodate different roof types and sizes, making them suitable for both residential and commercial buildings.

  7. Durability and Longevity: These systems are manufactured to withstand harsh winter conditions. High-quality materials and robust construction ensure long-lasting performance.

  8. Safety: By preventing the accumulation of snow and ice, roof heating systems prevent accidents caused by ice dams and heavy snow loads, enhancing safety for the building and its surroundings.

These features make roof heating systems an ideal solution for ensuring the safety and durability of buildings during the winter months.

Roof Heating System Installation and Maintenance:

Roof heating system installation is a process that requires proper planning and professional implementation. The first step is to determine the most suitable system based on the characteristics and needs of the roof; this could be either electric heating cables or hydronic pipes. Experts determine the quantity and placement of necessary heating elements by taking measurements of the roof surface. For electric systems, heating cables are installed on the roof surface, in the gutters, and downspouts. In hydronic systems, pipes carrying hot water are laid out and connected to a central heating unit. During installation, ensuring that all components are properly mounted and the system is optimized for energy efficiency is crucial. Additionally, automatic sensors and control units are installed to enable automatic operation of the system.

Maintenance of the roof heating system is critical for its efficient and long-lasting operation. Regular inspection of all system components, especially electric cables and hydronic pipes, is necessary. Sensors and control units should be tested periodically and calibrated when needed. Pre- and post-winter season checks help in early detection of potential malfunctions and ensure the system operates safely. Regular cleaning to prevent clogging of gutters and drainage pipes is also essential. Professional maintenance services are recommended to ensure the system operates at its highest performance. This ensures that the roof heating system provides reliable protection during the winter months and enhances indoor comfort and safety for building occupants.

Roof Heating System Installation Steps

Roof heating system installation consists of a carefully planned and professionally executed series of steps. Here are the fundamental stages of roof heating system installation:

  1. Planning and Design: The first step is to evaluate the characteristics of the roof and determine the most suitable roof heating system option. Factors such as the size, slope, material, and climate conditions of the roof are taken into consideration. Experts determine which type of roof heating system (electric cables or hydronic pipes) is most appropriate.

  2. Material and Equipment Selection: The materials and equipment necessary for installation are identified and acquired. This includes heating cables, hydronic pipes, thermostats, sensors, control panels, and other relevant components.

  3. Layout Plan: A layout plan is developed to ensure the proper placement of heating cables or hydronic pipes on the roof surface or in the gutters. This plan is determined based on the shape, slope, and usage area of the roof.

  4. Assembly and Connection: Heating cables or hydronic pipes are mounted on the roof and connected according to the layout plan. For electric systems, it is essential to ensure the correct connection and insulation of cables. In hydronic systems, pipes must be securely mounted and connected to the heating source.

  5. Installation of Sensors and Control System: Automatic sensors and control panels are installed on the roof and connected. These sensors monitor weather conditions and activate or deactivate the system automatically as needed.

  6. Testing and Validation: After completion of the installation, the system is tested to ensure that all components are functioning correctly. This includes checking that heaters and sensors are operating properly.

  7. User Training: Finally, users are provided with training on how to operate the system and perform maintenance tasks. This is important to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of the system.

Roof Heating System Maintenance Tips

Roof heating system maintenance is crucial to ensure efficient and long-lasting operation of the system. Regular inspection and cleaning of system components are necessary. Any physical damage or wear on heating cables or hydronic pipes should be observed and repaired when needed. Automatic sensors and control panels should be periodically tested and calibrated. Additionally, regular cleaning should be performed to prevent clogging of gutters and drainage pipes. Pre- and post-winter maintenance checks help ensure smooth operation of the system, preventing potential malfunctions. Professional maintenance services are recommended to detect potential issues early and optimize long-term performance. These maintenance tips ensure reliable operation of the roof heating system during winter months, providing extra protection to the structure.

Roof Heating System Costs

Roof heating system costs vary depending on several factors and include various elements. Firstly, physical characteristics such as the size and slope of the roof determine installation costs. A larger roof may require more heating cables or hydronic pipes, increasing costs. Additionally, the type of heating system chosen (electric or hydronic) and the quality of materials used affect costs. Electric systems generally have lower installation costs but may incur higher energy costs in the long run, while hydronic systems have higher installation costs but lower operating costs. Moreover, the complexity of the roof heating system, automatic control features, and additional functions such as remote access can also influence costs. Additionally, the geographical location where the installation will take place is a factor affecting costs. Labor costs may be higher in some areas, and additional expenses may arise due to specific plumbing and electrical requirements in certain regions. The experience and quality of the professional team performing the installation also affect costs. However, the investment in a roof heating system is considered significant for many due to the long-term protection and security it provides. Considering long-term costs, the protection and security advantages offered by the roof heating system generally outweigh the expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions About Roof Heating

Which roofs are suitable for roof heating systems?

Roof heating systems are typically suitable for pitched roofs, especially in areas prone to the formation of snow and ice accumulations. These systems, equipped with electric heating cables or hydronic pipes, offer an effective solution to maintain the safety and structural integrity of the roof.

Are roof heating systems energy-efficient?

Roof heating systems can provide energy efficiency thanks to modern design and automatic control features. Automatic control systems integrated with sensors optimize energy consumption by operating only when necessary, reducing operating costs.

How long can roof heating systems be used?

With proper installation and regular maintenance, roof heating systems can be used for many years. High-quality materials and professional installation support the long-term performance of the systems, providing reliable protection to the structure.

How do roof heating systems perform in winter months?

Roof heating systems enhance the safety and durability of the roof by preventing the accumulation of snow and ice during winter months. Control systems integrated with automatic sensors activate based on weather conditions, delivering effective performance.

Are roof heating systems waterproof?

Roof heating systems are made of waterproof and water-resistant materials. These systems operate reliably even under rain, snow, or ice, without affecting the roof's waterproofing.

What materials are used during the installation of roof heating systems?

Roof heating systems are typically installed using electric heating cables or hydronic (water-based) pipes. In electric systems, heating cables are mounted on the roof surface or in gutters, while hydronic systems involve laying pipes carrying hot water.

Do roof heating systems make noise?

Roof heating systems generally operate silently and do not produce noise. Both electric heating cables and hydronic pipes contribute to quiet operation, enhancing the safety of the roof.

Are there warranties and insurances available for roof heating systems?

Most roof heating system manufacturers typically offer a specific warranty period and guarantee their products in terms of quality and workmanship. Additionally, some insurance companies offer special policies covering roof heating systems, protecting users against system malfunctions.


Concrete Curing


Heat trace cables are used for concrete curing to accelerate the process and improve strength development. They provide controlled heat, ensuring optimal temperature conditions for faster curing and enhanced durability. With their durability and customization options, heat trace cables are valuable tools in construction projects. 

Snow and Ice Melting


Snow and ice can cause significant problems on roads, sidewalks, roofs, and vehicles, especially during winter months. These issues pose serious risks in terms of both safety and accessibility. Snow and ice melting systems provide an effective solution to these problems. These systems ensure the rapid melting of snow and ice, enhancing safety in both personal and public areas. Snow and ice melting systems, which operate through various methods, have become indispensable tools in particularly cold climates.

Snow and ice melting systems are typically equipped with heating cables and specialized designs. These cables are installed or mounted in specific areas to maintain constant heat in those regions. They are particularly used on roofs, roads, sidewalks, and vehicle entrances. With automatic control units, these systems activate automatically when the outside temperature falls below a certain level, ensuring the rapid melting of snow or ice.

Snow and Ice Melting System

Snow and ice melting systems are heating solutions used to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice during winter months. These systems typically consist of electric heating cables, heating elements, and control units. Snow and ice melting systems are effectively used in areas such as roads, sidewalks, roofs, parking lots, ramps, and stairs. The systems automatically activate when the outside temperature falls below a certain level or when specific humidity levels are reached, quickly melting the accumulated snow and ice.

The installation of these systems is quite practical and can be adapted to various areas. They are especially installed on roofs, roads, and sidewalks, increasing safety in cold weather and reducing snow removal costs. Additionally, snow and ice melting systems offer advantages in terms of energy efficiency. The system only operates in the necessary areas and under specific conditions, minimizing energy consumption.

What Are the Features of Snow and Ice Melting Systems?

Snow and ice melting systems come with various technical and practical features that ensure their efficient operation and best meet users' needs. Here are the key features of snow and ice melting systems:

  1. Automatic Operation: These systems are equipped with sensors that continuously monitor temperature and humidity levels. When the outside temperature falls below a certain level or reaches a specific humidity level, the system automatically activates to melt the snow or ice. This ensures continuous and safe operation without manual intervention.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Snow and ice melting systems are designed to maximize energy efficiency. Thanks to sensors, they only operate when necessary, preventing unnecessary energy consumption. This feature reduces energy costs in the long term and minimizes environmental impacts.
  3. Durability and Reliability: Systems provided by Ignis Trace are manufactured to withstand harsh weather conditions. Heat trace and other components are made from high-quality materials and are long-lasting. This durability guarantees the continuous and safe operation of the systems.
  4. Flexible Installation Options: Snow and ice melting systems can be easily adapted to different areas. They can be used on roofs, roads, sidewalks, and parking lots. Additionally, integration is achieved without damaging the existing structure during installation.
  5. User-Friendly Control Unit: The systems are equipped with user-friendly control units. These units allow easy adjustment of temperature settings, operating hours, and other parameters. Thus, users can customize the system's operation according to their needs.
  6. Environmentally Friendly: Snow and ice melting systems offer an environmentally friendly solution. They melt snow and ice using only heat, eliminating the need for chemicals. This prevents environmental pollution and provides a more sustainable solution.

These features clearly demonstrate why snow and ice melting systems are preferred and the benefits they offer. These systems not only enhance safety but also offer significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

What Are the Benefits of Snow and Ice Melting Systems?

Snow and ice melting systems are developed to enhance safety and reduce snow removal costs, especially during winter months. The primary function of these systems is to rapidly melt the accumulated snow and ice on certain surfaces, minimizing slipping and falling risks. Here are the main benefits provided by snow and ice melting systems:

  1. Increased Safety: Snow and ice can pose significant slipping and falling hazards on roads, sidewalks, roofs, and other surfaces. Snow and ice melting systems quickly melt the snow and ice accumulated on these surfaces, preventing slipping and falling accidents. This enhances safety in both personal and public areas.
  2. Time and Cost Savings: Traditional snow removal methods involve manual shoveling and the use of chemical agents. These methods can be time-consuming and costly. Snow and ice melting systems operate automatically, ensuring the melting of snow and ice without manual intervention. This results in significant time and cost savings. Additionally, the absence of chemical use reduces environmental impacts.
  3. Ease of Access: Snow and ice, particularly on vehicle entrances, ramps, and stairs, can make access difficult. Snow and ice melting systems quickly melt the snow and ice in these areas, facilitating access and ensuring the continuity of daily activities without interruption.
  4. Long-Lasting Protection: The snow and ice melting systems provided by Ignis Trace are made from durable and long-lasting materials. These systems ensure continuous protection against snow and ice accumulation for years, allowing users to have safe and convenient living spaces in the long term.
  5. Environmentally Friendly Solution: Snow and ice melting systems eliminate the use of chemical agents, offering an environmentally friendly solution. The heating cables and other components melt the snow and ice using only heat, preventing environmental pollution and providing a more sustainable solution.

These benefits clearly demonstrate why snow and ice melting systems are indispensable tools during winter months. These systems enhance safety, reduce costs, and offer an environmentally friendly solution, facilitating life in cold climates.

How to Install a Snow and Ice Melting System?

The installation of snow and ice melting systems requires proper planning and expertise. At Ignis Trace, we provide our clients with top-quality installation services. Here are the steps involved in installing snow and ice melting systems:

  1. Needs Analysis and Planning: The first step is to determine the client's needs and the characteristics of the area. During this phase, the dimensions of the area, surface type, and climate conditions are evaluated. Based on the client's specific demands and needs, the most suitable system is selected, and a detailed installation plan is created.
  2. Material Selection and Supply: After planning, suitable materials are selected and supplied. Heating cables, control units, sensors, and other necessary components are chosen from high-quality and durable materials. At Ignis Trace, we use SOLCO PYROELEC products to provide our clients with reliable and long-lasting solutions.
  3. Surface Preparation: Preparing the surface for installation is crucial. During this phase, the surface is cleaned, and necessary adjustments are made. Especially on roofs and roads, the surface must be smooth and clean to allow for the effective placement of heating cables.
  4. Installation of Heating Cables: After the surface is prepared, the heating cables are carefully placed. The cables are laid and secured according to the planned arrangement. At this stage, the proper placement and securing of the cables are critical for the efficient operation of the system.
  5. Installation of Control Units and Sensors: After installing the heating cables, control units and sensors are installed. These units ensure the automatic operation of the system and control temperature levels. Sensors continuously monitor the outside temperature and humidity levels, activating the system when necessary.
  6. Electrical Connections and Testing: After the installation is complete, electrical connections for all components are made. Before the system is activated, it undergoes a detailed testing process. At this stage, all connections are checked to ensure the system operates correctly. If any issues are detected, necessary adjustments are made.
  7. Commissioning and Training: After the testing process is complete, the system is commissioned. The client is provided with detailed information on how to use the system and adjust the control units. Additionally, training is provided on the maintenance and inspection of the system.

How to Maintain a Snow and Ice Melting System?

The maintenance of snow and ice melting systems is crucial to ensure their long-term and efficient operation. Regular maintenance enhances the system's performance and prevents potential malfunctions. At Ignis Trace, we offer comprehensive maintenance services to our clients. Here are the maintenance steps for snow and ice melting systems:

  1. Regular Inspections: Snow and ice melting systems should be inspected at regular intervals. These inspections should be conducted especially before the winter season begins. The proper functioning of system components, cables, control units, and sensors is checked. Any detected issues are promptly addressed.
  2. Cleaning: The cleanliness of system components, especially sensors, is essential for accurate and efficient operation. Sensors must be clean to correctly detect external conditions. Dirty or clogged sensors can cause the system to malfunction.
  3. Cable Inspections: The heating cables should be regularly inspected. The integrity and secure placement of the cables, as well as any damage or wear, are checked. If any issues are detected in the cables, necessary repairs are made or the cable is replaced.
  4. Electrical Connections: Ensuring that electrical connections are secure and safe is essential. Loose or damaged connections can cause the system to malfunction or create hazards. Therefore, all electrical connections should be regularly inspected.
  5. Control Unit Settings: Ensuring that the settings of the control units are correct is important. Temperature and humidity settings should be appropriate for external conditions. Incorrect settings can cause the system to consume unnecessary energy or provide insufficient heating.
  6. End-of-Season Maintenance: After the winter season ends, a general maintenance of the system should be conducted. During this maintenance, all components are thoroughly inspected, cleaned, and repaired if necessary. End-of-season maintenance ensures that the system is ready for the next winter season.
  7. Professional Support: The maintenance of snow and ice melting systems requires expertise. At Ignis Trace, we provide professional maintenance services to our clients. Our experienced engineering team thoroughly inspects all components of the system and performs necessary maintenance tasks.

Regular maintenance ensures that snow and ice melting systems operate efficiently and safely. These maintenance tasks enhance the system's performance and ensure its longevity.


Where Are Snow and Ice Melting Systems Used?

Snow and ice melting systems have a wide range of applications and can be effectively implemented in various locations and surfaces. These systems are used to minimize the risks posed by snow and ice, enhancing safety and ease of access in different areas. Here are the common areas where snow and ice melting systems are used:

  1. Roads and Sidewalks: Snow and ice can create significant slipping and falling hazards on roads and sidewalks. Snow and ice melting systems quickly melt the accumulated snow and ice on these surfaces, ensuring safe movement for pedestrians and vehicles. These systems enhance safety, especially in high-traffic areas, and prevent accidents.
  2. Roofs and Gutters: Snow and ice accumulation on roofs can cause structural damage and water leaks. Snow and ice melting systems melt the snow and ice accumulated on roof surfaces and gutters, ensuring proper water drainage and preventing damage to the roof.
  3. Stairs and Ramps: Outdoor stairs and ramps can become extremely slippery during winter months, posing a risk, especially for the elderly and children. Snow and ice melting systems enhance safety in these areas, ensuring everyone can use the stairs safely.
  4. Vehicle Entrances and Garage Ramps: Snow and ice accumulation on vehicle entrances and garage ramps can cause vehicles to slip and increase the risk of accidents. Snow and ice melting systems are used in these areas to ensure safe passage. These systems are particularly advantageous on inclined surfaces.
  5. Parking Lots and Shopping Centers: Large parking lots and shopping centers have heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Snow and ice accumulation in these areas endangers the safety of both visitors and employees. Snow and ice melting systems enhance safety in parking lots and shopping centers and provide ease of access.
  6. Industrial and Commercial Facilities: Snow and ice accumulation in industrial and commercial facilities can disrupt operations. Snow and ice melting systems are used in these facilities to ensure working areas are safe and accessible. These systems are particularly important in loading and unloading areas.
  7. Airports and Runways: Airports and runways are at high risk due to snow and ice accumulation. To ensure flight safety, snow and ice melting systems are used in these areas to keep runways and aprons clean and safe.

Due to their wide range of applications, snow and ice melting systems are widely preferred to enhance safety and ease of access in various sectors and locations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Snow and Ice Melting


Where can a snow and ice melting system be installed?

Snow and ice melting systems can be installed on roads, sidewalks, roofs, parking lots, stairs, and garage ramps. The system can be effectively used in all open areas exposed to cold weather conditions. The most suitable method is determined based on the surface structure and intended use during installation.

How is the energy consumption of a snow and ice melting system?

The energy consumption of snow and ice melting systems varies depending on the type of cables used, the size of the surface, and the duration of operation. The systems are designed to maximize energy efficiency. Thanks to automatic control units, they only operate when necessary, preventing unnecessary energy consumption.

Do snow and ice melting systems harm the environment?

Snow and ice melting systems provide environmentally friendly solutions. Since no chemicals are used, the risk of environmental pollution is minimized. The systems melt snow and ice using only heat, which enhances environmental sustainability. Optimized for energy efficiency, the systems also prevent unnecessary energy consumption, taking an environmentally conscious approach.

Do snow and ice melting systems operate automatically?

Yes, snow and ice melting systems are typically equipped with automatic control units. These units are integrated with sensors that continuously monitor outside temperature and humidity levels. The system automatically activates when a certain temperature or humidity level is reached, ensuring the rapid melting of snow or ice. This automatic operation provides continuous and safe functioning without user intervention.

Where can snow and ice melting systems be used?

Snow and ice melting systems can be used in all regions with cold climates. They are preferred to enhance safety and ease of access in areas frequently experiencing snow and ice accumulation. In regions with harsh climate conditions, snow and ice melting systems make life easier and prevent accidents.

Floor Warming


Floor heating has been the most advanced heating method since ancient times. The minimal temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling creates the most comfortable and healthy environment for the human body. Typically, it necessitates an output of 150 to 180 w/m2 on a 25°C concrete surface for optimal performance. Combining a self-regulating heating system with an off-peak electricity pricing scheme offers the most cost-effective and enjoyable heating solution.

Icicle Prevention / Bridge


During the winter, snow that accumulates on the rooftops and tall structures like bridges can either melt due to direct sunlight or heat reflected off metallic surfaces. However, some of the melted snow may flow back to the shaded, cooler areas of the structure, causing it to freeze and form hazardous icicles. These icicles pose a potential danger to pedestrians and vehicles passing under bridges or near rooftops. Solco Pyroelec's self-regulating heating cable, IcSR, delivers quick and effective performance by maintaining the temperature of shaded and cold building areas above 10℃, thus preventing the formation of icicles.

Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment


Explosion proof products must be able to contain any explosion originating within its housing and prevent sparks from within its housing from igniting vapors, gases, dust, or fibers in the air surrounding it. Therefore, explosion proof, when referring to electrical enclosures, does not mean that it is able to withstand an exterior explosion. Instead, it is the enclosures ability to prevent an internal spark or explosion from causing a much larger blast.