PYEX-TF-JCK Termination Kit for Series Resistance Cable

HSR self-regulating heat trace cables provide freeze protection for water pipelines and temperature maintenance for fuel supply lines. Also suitable for use in automobiles and camping equipment, this cable will not burn or overheat, even when overlapped.

  • Integral termination kits under the thermal insulation.

  • Power connection, splicing, and end termination of high temperature trace heating system.

  • Temperature maintenance of vessel, tank, chemical feeding or transportation pipelines.

  • Non hazardous and hazardous location.

The PYEX-TF-JCK is an integral termination kits for power connection, splicing connection and/or end termination of series resistance trace heating cables such as LLC and SFC by Solco Pyroelec. Once assembled, it is small, 140mm long and 40mm in diameter, and water-proof so to be installed under the thermal insulation. It is exceptionally heat-resistant as it is made of PTFE rod.

Protection type : Ex 60079-30-1 IC T2...T6 Gb
Electrical rating : 1000 Vac/ 106 A
Color : White
Temperature class : Refer to the installation manual
Enclosure service temp. : -50°C to +260°C
Product dimension : @ 40mm x 140mm

Construing materials :

  • Enclosure and spacer : PTFE
  • Stopper : Glassfibre wool
  • Potting compound : RTV