SKY Trace

Sky Trace Web-based Monitoring and Control Software

  • Avoid process downtime

  • Find hidden kWh cost and save money 

  • Identify and solve mysterious problems

  • Confirm heating cable quality and maintenance schedule change

  • Web-based monitoring and control solution for trace heating system

  • Saving saves energy and labor costs up to 90%

  • Proactive maintenance analysis

  • Prioritized alarm 1 to 9 

  • Heating cable performance analysis

  • Excellent security

  • Remote control via VPN to LAN network

  • Integrate to client own automation system

  • Trace heating circuit analysis by table and by site map

  • Control panel and circuit location can be customized after the completion of installation

  • Dashboard for controlling and monitoring of individual circuit

  • Monitoring temperature, load current, leakage current and sensor status

  • Energy consumption statistics - Top 10 circuits with higer consumption 

  • Top 10 alarm count per circuit