Protect Your Industrial Facility Against Winter

Protect Your Industrial Facility Against Winter

Cold weather conditions are a natural part of winter months. However, in recent years, we have witnessed extraordinary weather events such as polar vortexes and unprecedented storms. It is crucial for industrial organizations to be prepared for these extraordinary weather conditions by implementing heat tracing systems. This system will ensure that facilities are adequately heated during the winter season, keeping products under control.

In this article, we aim to show you how you can protect your products and facilities from freezing.

Common Issues in Industrial Facilities During Winter:

According to the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), there are several common problems that affect industrial facilities during winter:

-Freezing in certain lines can cause chemical reactions depending on the type of facility.

-Widespread freezing can cause failures within lines and start a knock-on effect throughout the entire plant.

-Interruption in gas supply can lead to problems with maintaining energy to power plants.

-Increase in safety incidents on-site due to slipping, falling, and snow clearance.

-Snow and ice loads can often cause structural failures.

preventing freezing in pipes with heat trace

Any of these incidents can halt production schedules and be costly in any situation.

Prepare Your Facility for Winter:

The key to preparing your facility for winter is to perform pre-winter audits to identify and conduct any needed maintenance and repairs. Early testing to verify the integrity of the heat trace system; for example, checking the heating cable, circuit breakers, heat trace components, controllers, and insulation; and addressing issues that may pose potential risks during winter conditions. These checks should ideally happen early in the year, but if you are just starting this process, there may still be enough time to make fixes.

How Can a Heat Tracing System Provide Enhanced Protection?

The main purpose of a heat trace system is to protect against freezing temperatures, and a plant doesn't necessarily need to be in an extreme weather region to have the potential for a freeze. Electric heat tracing systems prevent non-flowing water in pipes, tanks, and associated equipment from freezing by replacing the heat lost through thermal insulation. When installed correctly, these high-performance systems are both energy-efficient and extremely reliable. Typical applications in an industrial facility include:

   -Pipe freeze protection of water lines

   -Process temperature maintenance

If you are considering improvements for your operations during winter and think a heat trace system may be the solution, please contact us at



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